Sarah ThatcherFor more than three decades, Sarah Thatcher has worked with children and youth in a variety of capacities, all focused on improving their social, physical and emotional wellness. As a former franchise business owner, multilingual teacher, and community advocate she’s spent her time inspiring and empowering the next generation to search for purpose and find meaning in their lives.

Her commitment to helping youth resulted in her nomination in 2005 for a Women of Distinction Award and in 2009 for Top 40 Under 40 in 2009 with the City of Guelph.

Sarah is a life-long learner and holds three bachelor’s degrees in Religious Studies, German History, and Language and Education — and is fluent in English, German and French. As an educator she has more than ten years of experience in designing, developing and delivering virtual and in-person learning programs.

As an avid traveler, Sarah has spent time visiting, living and working in more than 50 countries, including the Middle East region, where she worked as an international school teacher. She is well equipped in multicultural settings and demonstrates empathy and compassion for people with varied life experiences.

In her local community, Sarah’s passion for the wellbeing of others and positive social change is witnessed in her role as an advocate and ally, helping organize local collaborative projects with schools, charities, not-for-profits and businesses. Sarah is active in municipal politics, serving on the Community Master Planning and Waterfront Strategy Committee to improve the lives of those who live in her community of Huntsville, Ontario.

In 2022, Sarah launched Greyleaf Consulting to support charitable and not-for-profit organizations in planning strategically and creating funding strategies to improve programming.

In 2023, she received the Jackson Family Scholarship in Community Engagement for her work with Food4Kids Muskoka.

When she’s not researching, reading or connecting with like-minded people, she enjoys spending time with her husband of 20 years, her two fabulous children and her desert-rescued cat and dog.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023 in
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