An up-to-date publication records with citations by Google Scholar

Journal Articles:

  1. A. Monfared, M. Taha, A. Reyhani-Masoleh, ‘Secure and Efficient Exponentiation Architectures Using Gaussian Normal Basis’, Accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems.
  2. A. Reyhani-Masoleh, M. Taha, D. Ashmawy, ‘New Low-Area Designs for the AES Forward, Inverse and Combined S-boxes,’ IEEE Transactions on Computers vol.69, no.12 pp.1757-1773, 2019.
  3. A. Reyhani-Masoleh, M. Taha, D. Ashmawy ‘Smashing the implementation records of AES S-box,’ IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol. 2018, pp. 298-336, May 2018.
  4. A Shahverdi, M. Taha, T Eisenbarth `Lightweight Side Channel Resistance: Threshold Implementations of SIMON,’ IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol.66, no.4, pp.661-671, 2017.
  5. S Mavoungou, G Kaddoum, M. Taha, G Matar `Survey on Threats and Attacks on Mobile Networks,’ IEEE Access, vol.4, pp.4543-4572, 2016.
  6. H. Eldib, C. Wang, M. Taha, P. Schaumont, `Quantitative Masking Strength: Quantifying the Power Side-Channel Resistance of Software Code,’ IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol.34, no.10, pp.1558-1568, 2015.
  7. M. Taha, P. Schaumont, `Key Updating for Leakage Resiliency With Application to AES Modes of Operation,’ IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol.10, no.3, pp.519-528, 2015.

Peer Reviewed Conference and Workshop Proceedings:

  1. M. AbdelHafeez, M. Taha, E. Khaled, M. AbdelRaheem, ‘A Study on Transmission Overhead of Post Quantum Cryptography Algorithms in Internet of Things Networks,’ 31st International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM), Cairo, Egypt, 2019, pp.113-117.
  2. A. Reyhani-Masoleh, M. Taha, D. Ashmawy, ‘New Area Record for the AES Combined S-Box/Inverse S-Box,’ IEEE 25th Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH), Amherst, MA, 2018, pp. 145-152.
  3. M. Taha, A. Reyhani-Masoleh, P. Schaumont `Stateless Leakage Resiliency from NLFSRs,’ IEEE International Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST’17), May 2017.
    [Paper, Presentation] [nominated best paper, acceptance rate 17%, received 6 reviews]
  4. C. Chen, M Sinan Inci, M. Taha, T. Eisenbarth, `SpecTre: A Tiny Side-Channel Resistant Speck Core for FPGAs,’ The 15th Smart Card Research and Advanced Application Conference (CARDIS’16), Cannes, France, Nov. 2016.
    [Paper] [received 3 reviews]
  5. M. Taha, A. Reyhani-Masoleh, P. Schaumont `Keymill: Side-Channel Resilient Key Generator,’ Selected Areas in Cryptography (SAC’16), August 2016.
    [Paper, Presentation] [acceptance rate 28%, received 5 reviews]
  6. L. Kong, G. Kaddoum, M. Taha, `Performance Analysis of Physical Layer Security of Chaos-based Modulation Schemes,’ The 11th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob’15).
    [Paper] [acceptance rate 30%, received 3 reviews]
  7. X. Ye, C. Chan, M. Taha, T. Eisenbarth, `Faster Leakage Detection and Exploitation,’ ACM 5th International Workshop on Trustworthy Embedded Devices (TrustED’15), Oct 2015.
    [Paper] [received 3 reviews]
  8. A. Shahverdi, M. Taha, T. Eisenbarth, `Silent SIMON: A Threshold Implementation under 100 Slices,’ IEEE International Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST’15), May 2015.
    [Paper] [acceptance rate 24%, received 5 reviews and 17 citations]
  9. M. Taha, T. Eisenbarth, `Implementation Attacks on Post-Quantum Cryptographic Schemes,’ IEEE International Conference on Anti-Cybercrime (ICACC’15), November 2015.
    [Paper] [received 3 reviews]
  10. N. Ghalaty, B. Yuce, M. Taha, P. Schaumont, `Differential Fault Intensity Analysis,’ 11th Workshop on Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance in Cryptography (FDTC’14), Busan, Korea, September 2014.
    [Paper, Presentation] [received 24 citations]
  11. M. Taha, P. Schaumont, `Side-Channel Countermeasure for SHA-3 at Almost-Zero Area Overhead,’ IEEE Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST’14), Arlington, VA, May 2014.
    [Paper, Presentation] [received 4 reviews]
  12. H. Eldib, C. Wang, M. Taha, P. Schaumont, `QMS: Evaluating the side-channel resistance of masked software from source code,’ The 51th Design Automation Conference (DAC’14), June 2014.
    [Paper] [acceptance rate 22.1%, received 6 reviews and 19 citations]
  13. M. Taha, P. Schaumont, `Differential Power Analysis of MAC-Keccak at Any Key-Length,’ The 8th International Workshop on Security (IWSEC’13), Okinawa, Japan, November 2013.
    [Paper, Presentation] [acceptance rate 31%, received 3 reviews and 17 citations]
  14. M .Taha, P. Schaumont, `A Key Management Scheme for DPA-Protected Authenticated Encryption,’ Directions in Authenticated Ciphers (DIAC’13), August 2013.
  15. M. Taha, P. Schaumont, `Side-Channel Analysis of MAC-Keccak,’ IEEE International Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST’13), June 2013.
    [Paper, Presentation] [nominated best paper, acceptance rate 30%, received 3 reviews and 21 citations]
  16. M. Taha, P. Schaumont, `A Novel Profiled Side-Channel Attack in Presence of High Algorithmic Noise,’ IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD’12), September 2012.
    [Paper] [acceptance rate 25%, received 4 reviews]
  17. S. Mane, M. Taha, P. Schaumont, `Efficient and Side-Channel-Secure Block Cipher Implementation with Custom Instructions on FPGA,’ International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL’12), August 2012.
    [Paper] [acceptance rate 28%, received 4 reviews]
  18. Y. Hasan, M. Taha, S. Elsharif, A. Elaksher, `Integrated Intra-Vehicle – VANET System for Increasing Road Safety,’ the Global Knowledge Forum (NOOR’08), June 2008.
  19. M. Taha, Y. Hasan, `A Novel Headway-Based Vehicle-to-Vehicle Multi-Mode Broadcasting Protocol,’ IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC’08), September 2008.
  20. M. Taha, Y. Hasan, `VANET-DSRC Protocol for Reliable Broadcasting of Life Safety Messages,’ IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT-07), 2007.
    [Paper] [received 56 citations]

Non-Refereed Contributions:

  1. Invited Talk: ‘Lightweight Leakage Resiliency for Symmetric Cryptography,’ Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Northeastern University, MA, USA. Hosted by Dr. Yunsi Fei.
  2. Invited Talk: ‘Advances in the Side-Channel Analysis of Symmetric Cryptography,’ Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), MA, USA. Hosted by Dr. Thomas Eisenbarth.
  3. Invited Talk: ‘Introduction to Side-Channel Analysis,’ VT-MENA program at the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech, VA, USA.
  4. Newsletter: ‘The Birth of a New Hashing Standard: SHA-3,’ CESCA Newsletter, February 2013.
    [reprint in EETimes]
  5. Poster: ‘Side-Channel Analysis of MAC-Keccak,’ Annual Workshop of Virginia Tech’s Center for Embedded Systems for Critical Applications (CESCA), April 2013.
  6. Poster ‘A Novel Profiled Side-Channel Attack in Presence of High Algorithmic Noise,’ Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES’12), September 2012.
  7. Poster ‘High Dimensional Leakage Modeling of Combinational Logic Circuits,’ Annual Workshop of Virginia Tech’s Center for Embedded Systems for Critical Applications (CESCA), May 2012.