Photo of Deanna Walker

Deanna Walker

Degrees:B.A. (Hons.) Psychology: With High Distinction, Carleton University, 2015; M.A. Psychology, Carleton University, 2017

Deanna’s research explored the positive determinants of well-being, both individually and in the context of romantic relationships. Specifically, Deanna  investigated individual differences in relationship goals, and how this impacts the quality and content of shared couple activities (namely novelty, creativity, and excitement). Overall, her Master’s work explored how differences in planned activities may relate to overall relationship well-being.

In another line of research, Deanna explored the impact of behaving extraverted upon individual well-being. She is particularly interested in the impact of implementing novel and/or social activities within the everyday context, and how this provides means of improving individuals’ overall happiness and well-being.

Deanna completed both an undergraduate degree (2015) and Master’s degree (2017) in Psychology at Carleton University.