Photo of Niels Weiss

Niels Weiss

Postdoctoral Fellow

Degrees:PhD (Stockholm University, Sweden), MSc (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Office:B443 Loeb Building

Research interests:
Permafrost carbon climate feedback

Recent publications:
S Faucherre, CJ Jørgensen, D Blok, N Weiss, MB Siewert, T Bang-Andreasen, G Hugelius, P Kuhry, B Elberling. 2018. Short and long-term controls on active layer and permafrost carbon turnover across the Arctic. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123, 372-390.

N Weiss & J Kaal. 2018. Characterization of labile organic matter in Pleistocene permafrost (NE Siberia), using Thermally assisted Hydrolysis and Methylation (THM-GC-MS). Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 117, 202-213.

N Weiss, S Faucherre, N Lampiris & R Wojcik. 2017. Elevation-based upscaling of organic carbon stocks in high arctic permafrost terrain: a storage and distribution assessment for Spitsbergen, Svalbard. Polar Research, 36:1.

N Weiss. 2017. Permafrost carbon in a changing Arctic: On periglacial landscape dynamics, organic matter characteristics, and the stability of a globally significant carbon pool. PhD dissertation no. 65 from the Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University.

N Weiss, D Blok, B Elberling, G Hugelius, CJ Jørgensen, MB Siewert & P Kuhry. 2016. Thermokarst dynamics and soil organic matter characteristics controlling initial carbon release from permafrost soils in the Siberian Yedoma region. Sedimentary Geology, 340, 38-48.