Every year, students in the Clayton H. Riddell Graduate Program in Political Management at Carleton University host a reception that brings together students, political leaders and their staff, government relations professionals, and others from across the political spectrum for a candid and respectful conversation about politics in Canada.
This year, we are shining a spotlight on the importance of women’s leadership in Canadian politics.
Meet Our Speakers:
Minister Lyne Chantal Boudreau
New Brunswick Minister of Women’s Equality and Minister of Seniors
The Hon. Paulette Senior
Senator & Former CEO of the Canadian Women’s Foundation

The Hon. Shannon Phillips
Former Alberta Minister Responsible for the Status of Women & Minister of Environment and Parks

Madeleine Redfern
Interim CEO of the Native Women’s Association of Canada
Moderated by:
Lindsay Brumwell
Interim Executive Director of Equal Voice
We invite you to join us for a moderated discussion featuring current and former women leaders. Please RSVP below to reserve your seat.