The lecture series – ‘Provocation and Challenge: Populism and Neo-Fascism in Transnational Contexts’ is now available to view on  YouTube.

The series explores the transatlantic connections between Europe and Canada as they relate to far-right ideologies and networks, as well as the resilience and opposition of particular national contexts.

Members of the Populist Publics project participated in the series of virtual round-tables offered by Carleton University’s Center for European Studies. The series was organized by Principal Investigator Jennifer Evans and Researcher David Yuzva Clement, working with Swen Steinberg.

These panels were an activity of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the Centre for European Studies, with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and Carleton University. They were furthermore made possible in part by the Government of Canada, and additional support has been received from the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ottawa and the SSRC.