To all Members of the Carleton Community,

Carleton University is open tomorrow and we are ready to support anyone impacted by Friday’s devastating tornadoes and storms. I would like to encourage any Carleton student, faculty or staff member who needs assistance to please contact the university.
Students who need assistance, whether you are living on campus or off, please reach out by email to or by telephone at 613-520-2874.

Hot showers are available in Athletics and you can access Residence laundry facilities as well. Students who require counselling support can phone or come in person between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to Health and Counselling Services, CTTC Building, Suite 2600. Beginning at 12:45 p.m., you can check in for same-day counselling hours every afternoon. Students may also call at 613-520-6674 or walk in to schedule an appointment.

Faculty and staff, please contact your department heads or supervisors if you are experiencing difficulties. The Employee and Family Assistance Program is available to provide faculty and staff with support. Call 613-725-5676 on Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 1-800-668-9920 for after-hour emergencies.

The Carleton community is caring and known for supporting one another. During recovery efforts, let’s work together to ensure our fellow students, friends, colleagues and neighbours are safe.

Please follow requests and advice from municipal leaders, first responder agencies and utilities to maximize your safety at this time.

The Ottawa Police Service is advising caution on the roads and is advising against non-essential travel. Please allow yourself plenty of time if you plan to come to campus. We recognize that it may not be safe for some members of the community to travel.

Benoit-Antoine Bacon
President and Vice-Chancellor