1. Consultation: The search committee and the search firm will meet with individuals and groups across the Carleton community to develop a thorough understanding of the skills and experiences required of the next President as well as the opportunities and challenges they will face. The information received in the consultation process will inform the development of the position description.
  2. Candidate Identification and Engagement: The search firm, with guidance from the search committee, will follow a comprehensive search strategy and approach potentially relevant candidates. This includes following up on recommendations made by the Carleton community. Conversations will be marked by a comprehensive, candid and compelling presentation of Carleton University.
  3. Longlist Review Meeting: The search committee will meet to discuss and debate all candidates who have declared an interest in the position and decide who will be taken forward to a more in-depth interview with the search firm.
  4. Search Firm Interviews: Longlisted candidates will meet with the lead search consultants who will assess their achievements and experience against the position description and better understand their innate capabilities, motivations, values and potential for success.
  5. Shortlist Review Meeting: The search consultants will present their assessments of the candidates providing full written biographies detailing the nature of each individual’s career with an in-depth assessment against the brief as to their particular strengths, capabilities, weaknesses and character traits. The search committee will decide who to take forward for formal interviews.
  6. Search Committee Interviews: The search committee will interview short listed candidates in a stretching, but candidate-friendly, process ensuring that they are fair, robust and competitive. The search firm will conduct extensive reference and background checks during this process.
  7. Recommendation to the Board, Negotiation and Appointment: The search committee will make their recommendation to the Board on the most qualified candidate. Subject to approval, the Chair will negotiate the contract with the preferred candidate.