SYSC4906B (Winter 2024) In this course, we will introduce a wide overview of the main concepts in data science and data visualizations for beginners. We will introduce a set of preliminary tools and techniques for analyzing and visualizing data. By the end of the course, students will learn the basics of the different properties of data
(structure, size, and type) and will be able to categorize data based on their properties.


SYSC4201 (Winter 2023) In this course, we focus on ethical theories, ethical decision-making, biomedical research ethics: informed consent, confidentiality, privacy, research ethics boards; research methods: hypothesis formulation, data collection, sampling bias, experimental design, statistical literacy; regulations for design, manufacture, certification of medical devices; impact of technology and research (social, political, financial).


SYSC5807/BIOM 5403 Data Visualization (Fall 2022) In this course we focus on how to design, develop, and evaluate data visualization. We discuss visualization use cases, including the medical and biomedical domains.


SYSC 2006 Foundations of Imperative Programming (Winter 2021) The imperative programming paradigm has been widely used in practice for various applications. The objective of this course is to understand the concepts that underlie most imperative programming languages and to be able to use this knowledge to learn new languages. The course will deal with designing and implementing small-scale programs, in particular the use of C programming language.