Friday, October 14, 2005 | Categories: ExpMotion, ExpTechRD, Pub_Conference
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Home / Expertise / ExpMotion / Tremblay, F., Mireault, A. C., Dessureault, L., Manning, H., & Sveistrup, H. (2005). Postural stabilization from fingertip contact: II. Relationships between age, tactile sensibility and magnitude of contact forces. Experimental Brain Research, 164, 155-164.
Tremblay, F., Mireault, A. C., Dessureault, L., Manning, H., & Sveistrup, H. (2005). Postural stabilization from fingertip contact: II. Relationships between age, tactile sensibility and magnitude of contact forces. Experimental Brain Research, 164, 155-164.