Monday, August 1, 2016 | Categories: ExpTechRD, Pub_Bruce_C
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Home / Publications / Pub_Bruce_C / Knoefel, F., Goubran, R., Stroulia, E., Liu, L., Guana, V., Wallace, B., Allard, B., Taylor, J., Gaudet, C., “Assessing moderate dementia with a computer game: baseline data of the Western Ottawa Whack-a-Mole Pilot Study”, AGM of the Regional Geriatric Program of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, ON, October 28, 2016.
Knoefel, F., Goubran, R., Stroulia, E., Liu, L., Guana, V., Wallace, B., Allard, B., Taylor, J., Gaudet, C., “Assessing moderate dementia with a computer game: baseline data of the Western Ottawa Whack-a-Mole Pilot Study”, AGM of the Regional Geriatric Program of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, ON, October 28, 2016.