Bruce Wallace
PhD, Carleton University
M.Eng., Carleton University
B.E.Sc., University of Western Ontario
P.Eng. (Ontario)
Senior Member IEEE
Current Positions:
- Executive Director, AGEWELL SAM3 National Innovation Hub
- Consultant Specializing in AgeTech Products and Applications
- Adjunct Research Professor at Carleton University
- Affiliated Researcher at Bruyère Health Research Institute
- Contract Instructor at Carleton University
Biography/Research Interests
Dr. Wallace bring his expertise Signal Processing, Data Analytics along with his extensive career in industry together to provide innovative guidance and insight to companies exploring new product and service offerings. His expertise and experience has supported many companies to move their products from ideas into first commercial offerings and subsequent market scale and success.
As Executive Director of the AGE-WELL National Innovation Hub on Sensors and Analytics to Monitor Memory and Mobility (SAM3), an Adjunct Research Professor at Carleton University, and an Affiliated Investigator at Bruyère Health Research Institute. This allows for projects to be supported by an extensive team of multi-disciplinary researchers and developers including experienced, graduate and under-graduate students from many disciplines. The team includes engineers, health scientists, industrial designers and social scientists collaborating on innovative projects focused on solutions to enable an aging population to maintain a healthy and independent lifestyle. These solutions are co-created with industry, clinical, academic, and older adults and their families.
He is co-author of the recent book “Supportive Smart Homes – Their Role in Aging in Place” that provides an review of current and emerging solutions focused on the needs of older adults. The book is written for the older adult and their care partners. Technologists benefit from the holistic view provided of the real challenges faced by older adults.
His expertise combines an extensive education as he holds a B.E.Sc. from Western, an M.Eng. and Ph.D. from Carleton University, and has studied business at MIT Sloan and UNC Kenan-Flagler with 24 years of experience in industry at BNR, Avaya and Nortel including research and development, product and business strategy, and as a business leader with global responsibility. He is an IEEE Senior Member with more than 20 patents.
Tel: (613) 520-2600 ext. 4260
Department Office: McKenzie, Room MC 6070
ARISE Lab Office: Room AR5200B
Bruyere Health
SAM3 Research Office: EBH Room 475J
SAM3 Smart Apartment: EBH Room 403Y
SAM3 Virage Simulator EBH Room 249Y
SAM3 York Simulator: EBH Room 246Y
wally @ sce dot carleton dot ca