Conference Papers Sunday, July 21, 2019I. Joudeh, A. Cretu, B. Wallace, R. Goubran, “Recognition of Sitting-down and Standing-up Activities using WiFi Channel State Information”, Carleton Data Day 6.0 Symposium, 2019.Award: First Prize Conference... MoreSunday, July 21, 2019Knoefel F, Sabra I, Wallace B, Breau M, Sweet L, Goubran R, Frank A. “Comparing N100 latencies between Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and Cognitively Normal (CN) subjects using Event-Related Potentials (ERP) of the NeuroCatchTM Platform.” The Canadian Geriatrics Society – 39th Annual Scientific Meeting. Halifax, Nova Scotia. (Poster), May 2019.... MoreSunday, July 21, 2019B. Wallace, F. Horsfall, R. Goubran, A. El-Haraki, F. Knoefel, “The Challenges of Connecting Smart Home Health Sensors to Cloud Analytics”, 2019 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS), pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2019.Link to... MoreSunday, July 21, 2019F. Knoefel, B. Wallace, H. Liu, M. Bilodeau, R. Goubran, “Cloud based Artificial Intelligence Processing of Ambient Home Sensors” ISPIM Conference Proceedings, pp. 1-12. The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM), 2019.Link to... MoreSunday, July 21, 2019B. Wallace, F. Horsfall, R. Goubran, F. Knoefel, “Will Internet Services Support Cloud AI for Health Sensors Networks?” ISPIM Conference Proceedings, pp. 1-12. The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM), 2019.Link to... MoreFriday, August 3, 2018Howcroft, J., Wallace, B., Goubran, R., Marshall, S., Porter, M., Knoefel, F.,”Changes in driving acceleration pattern variability related to cognitive and physical health”, 2018 IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI), pp. 357-360, 2018.Link to... MoreWednesday, August 1, 2018Knoefel, F., Wallace, B., El Harake, T., Valech, N., Toonders, B., Goubran, R., “Monitoring Night Wandering in Persons with Dementia using Smart Home Technology” International Society of Gerontechnology Conference 2018.... MoreWednesday, August 1, 2018Knoefel, F., Valech, N., Wallace, B., Nasser El Harake, T., Toonders, B.,Goubran, R., “Can “Off the Shelf” Smart Home Technology Help Monitor Wandering in Persons With Dementia?”, Canadian Geriatrics Society 2018.... MoreFriday, July 20, 2018B. Toonders, L. Ault, B. Wallace, F. Knoefel, “Smart Home Technology Detecting Nighttime Wandering in Persons with Dementia” e-Health 2019 Conference in Toronto, May 2019... MoreFriday, July 20, 2018I. Sabra, A. Frank, B. Wallace, M. Breau, L. Sweet, R. Goubran, F. Knoefel “Predicting conversion from Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) to dementia using two types of technology: preliminary data”, AGE-WELL AGM, 2018.... MoreFriday, July 20, 2018B. Wallace, H. Liu, R. Goubran, F. Knoefel, “Application of Cloud based Data Analytics for the processing of Sensor Mat Data”, AGE-WELL AGM, 2018.... MoreFriday, July 20, 2018L. Ault, B. Wallace, R. Goubran, K. de Libero, H. Lowden, B. Toonders, N. Valech, F. Knoefel, “AGE-WELL National Innovation Hub in Sensors and Analytics for Monitoring Mobility and Memory Technology to Monitor Night Wandering in Dementia”, AGE-WELL AGM, 2018.... MoreFriday, July 20, 2018F. Knoefel, N. Valech, L. Ault, H. Lowden, R. Goubran, B. Toonders, S. Kennedy, B. Wallace, “Smart Home Technology Solution for Nighttime Wandering in Dementia”, AGM of the Regional Geriatric Program of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, 2018.... MoreFriday, July 20, 2018Knoefel, F., Valech, N., Lowden, H., Goubran, R., Toonders, B., Kennedy, S., Wallace, B., Gagnon, C., “Smart home technology for wandering of dementia persons: a case report”, Canadian Association on Gerontology 2018.... MoreFriday, July 20, 2018Howcroft, J., Wallace, B., Goubran, R., Marshall, S., Porter, M., Knoefel, F., “Driving Destination Measures in Older Adult Drivers with Differing Health Statuses”, 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), 2018.Link to... MoreFriday, July 20, 2018Wallace, B., Howcroft, J., Goubran, R., Marshall, S., Porter, M., Alakel, A., Knoefel, F., “Measuring Older Driver Behaviours with Prior and Post Exposure to Collision Locations”, 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), 2018.Link to... MoreWednesday, January 17, 2018Wallace, B., El Harake, T., Goubran, R., Valech, N., Knoefel, F., “Preliminary Results for Measurement and Classification of Overnight Wandering by Dementia Patient using Multi-Sensors”, 2018 IEEE International Instrumentation Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), 2018.Link to... MoreThursday, August 3, 2017Howcroft, J., Wallace, B., Goubran, R., Marshall, S., Porter, M., Knoefel, F., “Variation in Acceleration Driving Patterns as a Measure of Older Adult Health Status”, 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), 2017.Link to... MoreThursday, August 3, 2017Fung, N., Wallace, B., Chan, A., Goubran, R., Marshall, S., Porter, M., Knoefel, F., “Driver Identification Using Vehicle Acceleration and Deceleration Events from Naturalistic Driving of Older Drivers”, 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), 2017.Link to... MoreThursday, August 3, 2017Fung, N., Wallace, B., Chan, A., Goubran, R., Marshall, S., Porter, M., Knoefel, F., “Driver Identification Using Sensor Data from Naturalistic Driving”, Carleton Big Data Symposium, 2017.... MoreTuesday, August 1, 2017Knoefel, F., Allard, B., Baker, A., Wallace, B., Masson, P., Guana, V., Stroulia, E., Goubran, R., “Using Gameplay to Assess Cognitive Abilities in Persons with Dementia”, AGM of the Regional Geriatric Program of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, 2017... MoreTuesday, August 1, 2017Knoefel, F., Rasquinha, D., Goubran, R., Kennedy, S., Valech, N., Ludwig, C., Wallace, B., Ross, M., Toonders, B., Nasser El Harake, T., “Reducing the risks of night-wandering in persons with dementia using a novel technology”, AGM of the Regional Geriatric Program of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, 2017.... MoreTuesday, August 1, 2017Valech, N., Knoefel, F., Rasquinha, D., Goubran, R., Kennedy, S., Ludwig, C., Wallace, B., Ross, M., Toonders, B., Nasser ElHarake, T., “Can monitoring technology help dementia caregivers sleep better?”, 2017 Humanizing Health Care Conference, 2017.... MoreTuesday, August 1, 2017Allard B, Knoefel F, Goubran R, Wallace B, Baker A, Stroulia E, Guana V, Masson P. “Persons with Moderate Dementia Improving Gameplay”. Brain Health Research Day, Ottawa, On. June 1st, 2017.... MoreTuesday, August 1, 2017Wallace, B., Knoefel, F., Goubran, R., Masson, P., Baker, A., Allard, B., Stroulia, E., Guana, V., “Monitoring cognitive ability in patients with moderate dementia using a modified “whack-a-mole””, 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), 2017.Link to... MoreWednesday, August 3, 2016Alakel, A., Wallace, B., Porter, M., Tuokko, H., Myers, A., Goubran, R., Knoefel, F., Marshall, S., “Do Older Drivers Use Cruise Control?”, invited paper, HCI International 2016.... MoreWednesday, August 3, 2016Wallace, B., Goubran, R., Knoefel, F., Marshall, S., Porter, M., Smith, A., “Driver Unique Acceleration Behaviours and Stability over 2 Years”, 2016 IEEE Big Data Congress, 2016.Link to... MoreWednesday, August 3, 2016Wallace, B., Goubran, R., Knoefel, F., Marshall, S., Porter, M., Smith, A., “Big Data Analytics: Distinguishing Features of Older Drivers with Stable Cognitive and Physical Health”, Carleton IBM Big Data Symposium, 2016.Link to... MoreMonday, August 1, 2016Knoefel, F., Goubran, R., Stroulia, E., Liu, L., Guana, V., Wallace, B., Allard, B., Taylor, J., Gaudet, C., “Assessing moderate dementia with a computer game: baseline data of the Western Ottawa Whack-a-Mole Pilot Study”, AGM of the Regional Geriatric Program of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, ON, October 28, 2016.... MoreMonday, August 1, 2016Gaudet, C., Knoefel, F., López Zunini, R., Breau, M., Sweet, L., Wallace, B., Goubran, R., Taler, V., “Mild Cognitive Impairment Patient Intervention Trial: Challenges and Approaches”, Brain Health Research Day, 2016.... MoreMonday, August 1, 2016Wallace, B., Knoefel, F., López Zunini, R., Breau, M., Sweet, L., Goubran, R., Taler, V.,” Evoked Response Potentials: Which Features Help Distinguish MCI from Healthy Controls”, AAIC-2016, Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association Vol. 7, Iss. 12, pp. 837, 2016.Link to... MoreMonday, August 1, 2016Wallace, B., Goubran, R., Knoefel, F., “Cognition Assessment: A Framework for Episodic Measurement”, 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), 2016.Link to... MoreMonday, August 1, 2016Joshi, V., Wallace, B., Shaddy, A., Knoefel, F., Lord, C., Goubran, R., “Metrics to Monitor Performance of Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment using Computer Based Games”, 2016 IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI), 2016.Link to... MoreMonday, August 3, 2015Wallace, B., Goubran, R., Knoefel, F., Marshall, S., Porter, M., Harlow, M., Puli, A., “Automation of the Validation, Anonymization and Augmentation of Big Data from a Multi-year Driving Study”, 2015 IEEE Big Data Congress, 2015.Link to... MoreMonday, August 3, 2015Wallace, B., Puli, A., Goubran, R., Knoefel, F., Marshall, S., Porter, M., “Big Data Analytics to Identify Deceleration Characteristics of an Older Driver”, 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), 2015.Link to... More« Previous Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Next » Share: Twitter, Facebook Short URL: