It is now possible to relay mail through the department mail server. Our SMTP server is now configured for SMTP AUTH/STARTTLS.

Note: Some ISP are blocking outgoing port 25. In that case, use port 587 for outgoing mail server

  • General Configuration:

    • Set your SMTP server to
    • The secure STARTTLS runs on port 587.
  • Microsoft Outlook mailer

    • Go to the Tools->Accounts
    • Click on the “Mail” tab
    • Highlight your e-mail server name and click on Properties
    • Select the “Server” tab
    • For outgoing mail(SMTP), use “”
    • At the bottom of the pane, check “My server requires authentication”
    • Click the Settings button
    • chose “use same settings as my incoming mail server”
    • Click OK. Now back under the “Properties” dialogue box, select “Advanced tab”.
    • check “this server requires a secure connection(SSL)”. Make sure the “outgoing mail(SMTP)” shows port number “25” or “587”.
    • Click Ok/Apply until you close the “Internet Accounts” windows

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