Building Student Resilience

University can be a stressful experience for many students and there is increasing evidence that suggests the prevalence of psychological challenges such as distress, depression and anxiety amongst university students. As faculty and staff, one significant approach we can take towards collaboratively supporting our students is through building their resilience. Resilience refers to the ability to adapt positively to adversity, and student’s capacity to build resilience has been shown to correlate with one’s overall mental health and wellbeing. Wellness Services is pleased to be offering this 1-hour workshop to faculty and staff on what resilience is, why it’s important, and how we can foster resilience in our students.

This workshop is offered in two formats. You can either complete the workshop asynchronously through a BrightSpace course, or you can register in an upcoming live workshop through Carleton Central. Both workshops cover the same content, and are merely different formats that you can choose from based on your learning preferences.

Please note that any members of the Carleton community who are concerned about a student can submit a Care Report through Wellness Services.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this workshop, faculty and staff will be able to:

  • Define what resilience is and its correlation to mental health
  • Recognize the importance of building student resilience in a university context
  • Discover how building student resilience begins with equipping ourselves with the necessary tools, trainings, and strategies
  • Identify practical strategies to build student resilience within the classroom, and in our programs

What to expect at the session

There are two options to complete this course: an asynchronous webinar available through BrightSpace or a live virtual workshop.

Option 1: BrightSpace course

Session length: 45 – 60 minutes

This workshop may include the following activities:

  • Listening to facilitator through lecture-style material
  • Independent reflection exercises, activities and assessment
  • Viewing a multimedia presentation

Option 2: live workshop

Session length: 1 hour

This workshop may include the following activities:

  • Listening to facilitator through lecture-style material
  • Opportunity to participate in discussions with the facilitator and colleagues through virtual platforms
  • Independent reflection exercises
  • Viewing a multimedia presentation

Carleton University embraces diversity and inclusion in the workplace. If you require a form of accommodation in order to participate fully in this workshop, please contact to arrange accommodations.

CACUSS Competencies

  • Communication
  • Student advising, support and advocacy
  • Emotional and interpersonal intelligence