Acquiring a university education can be exciting, transformative and demanding. We know that students are diverse and that each one will have different challenges and bring a unique set of interests, skills and life experiences to their university experience.
The CACUSS Competency Framework describes the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion competency as being “defined as both a process and a goal that includes the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to create learning environments that foster equitable participation of all groups and seeks to address issues of accessibility, equity and inclusion, oppression, privilege, and power. ”[1]. Part of this competency involves individuals having “a sense of their own agency and social responsibility that includes others, their community and the larger global context.”[2]. In order to continuously strive for a welcoming, supportive, and inclusive campus environment at Carleton, the Student Support Certificate has expanded to offer a grouping of workshops related to the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion competency area.
This grouping of workshop will form a concentration in the Student Support Certificate titled ‘Equity, Diversity and Inclusion’.
How to add the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Concentration
To add a concentration in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion to your Student Support Certificate, you must simply complete three of the workshops from the electives list below:
- Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence
- Accessibility in Higher Education
- Carleton University Safer Spaces Program
- Community Approaches to Sexual Violence Prevention
- Trans and Gender Diverse Inclusion
If you have already completed your Student Support Certificate, you can attend workshops from the concentration to add this to your Certificate. Once you have completed the requirements of the concentration, you will be re-issued an updated Student Support Certificate with your new concentration included.
If you are currently working toward completing your Student Support Certificate, you must still adhere to the Certificate requirements in order to complete the program. To add the concentration, simply complete the additional workshops from this stream, along with the corresponding Learning Assessments and Reflections. Your Certificate electives can be used towards the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion concentration. For example, if you completed the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Training as one of your Certificate electives, it would also be counted as one of the three courses in your concentration.
[1] D. Fernandez, C. Fitzgerald, P. Hambler and T. Mason-Innes (2016). CACUSS Student Affairs and Services Competency Model. Retrieved from CACUSS website.
[2] Ibid