Our student academic journal is ISEMA. ISEMA: Perspectives on Innovation, Science & Environment is a student-organized, annually published academic journal showcasing research from some of the best and brightest young minds studying sustainability at Carleton University.

The purpose of ISEMA is to showcase the best student work on sustainable energy policy issues, while providing students with a unique opportunity to gain experience with the peer-review process. Articles are nominated by professors teaching courses in sustainable energy streams and other courses focusing on related topics. Nominated papers are subjected to a double-blind peer review process by alumni and other specialists in the field. The highest ranked papers then undergo an editorial process before publication. ISEMA also serves as a valuable information resource for students and others wishing to learn more about the latest policy trends and issues emerging from this exciting area.

ISEMA connects students, graduates, faculty and staff around some of the most exciting and innovative sustainability policy research in Canada today.

To connect with the academic journal, please visit: