Dr Gabriel Siles-Brügge is one of the co-authors (with May van Schalkwyk, Pepita Barlow, Holly Jarman, Tamara Hervey, and Martin McKee) of a new article on ‘Brexit and trade policy: an analysis of the governance of UK trade policy and what it means for health and social justice’, published in Globalization and Health (http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12992-021-00697-1) (full article available through Open Access).

The article argues that, when it comes to post-Brexit trade policy, and ‘despite decades of mounting evidence on the health and equity impacts of trade and the importance of strong systems of governance, the UK government has largely ignored this evidence and failed to galvanise the opportunity to include public health and equity considerations and strengthen democratic involvement in trade policy.’ The authors provide a detailed analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the UK’s governance with Brexit and trade policy.

Gabriel Siles-Brügge, of the University of Warwick, is one of the professors associated with the Jean Monnet Network on Transatlantic Trade Politics. His scholarly work focuses on the politics of trade and investment agreements, with a focus on the EU and Brexit. His current work is particularly focused on the role of municipalities and emotions in trade governance.