8 December 2022: Announcing the 2023 Underhill Colloquium!

Join us (virtually) on March 17, 2023 for the Underhill Graduate Student Colloquium, presented by Carleton’s Department of History.  This year’s theme is History in Conversation: Collaboration and Interdisciplinarity.  Our objective is to promote emerging historical research by graduate students, whilst fostering collaboration and interdisciplinarity among our peers.

History is ever-evolving in scope and breadth. Its medium is no longer confined to written sources, but a collaboration of sources that range from oral histories to digital culture to material culture, and everything in between. History can, and indeed is, continuing to grow from beyond the confines of the academy. For example, the work of public historians has mainstreamed such important, collaborative approaches, bringing history to the public and fostering broader engagement. As an emerging cohort of historians, we feel this is integral work.

Be it through collaboration with colleagues, or by employing methods and practices from other disciplines, this act of scholarly cooperation can only serve to foster lines of inquiry and produce results that no single discipline would have been able to achieve alone.

To that end, this year’s colloquium will feature graduate student work that explores the notion of history in conversation – how historians and scholars in other fields are working together, both directly and indirectly, to expand our historical understandings. Be it approaches in public policy, social sciences, STEM, geography – how are we employing interdisciplinarity in our histories.

With this focus on History in Conversation, we are looking for MA and PhD submissions from all disciplines that consider the following:

  1. Collaborative approaches (i.e., working with colleagues across disciplines, employing methodologies from other disciplines, bringing history to the public in new and innovative ways)
  2.  Impacts and implications (i.e., case studies, historiographical or methodological discussions)
  3. Graduate students outside of the history department whose research has a historical element (i.e., GIS mapping of historical data, digital humanities, music and theatre with historical influence, policy topics with historical analysis)

Ready? Submit your abstracts to UnderhillColloquium@cunet.carleton.ca by January 20th, 2023.

Questions? Send us an email! Looking forward to your submissions, and wishing everyone a safe and restful winter break.