Underhill Graduate Student Colloquium

Join us February 27th to 28th, 2025 for the 31st Underhill Graduate Student Colloquium, presented by Carleton’s Department of History. This year’s theme is “Concentricity: Exploring The Doing of History”. Our goal is to promote emerging research by graduate students that considers the ways in which we approach the doing of history in and beyond the academy.

Concentricity refers to two or more objects that share the same centre. Historically, concentricity could refer to the way historical events, interpretations, or memories are interconnected, with multiple layers of context, perspectives, and influences radiating outward from a central historical moment or theme. It implies that history is not just linear or isolated, but rather involves complex, overlapping circles of influence and understanding. We hope to draw focus to our shared centre as scholars, and the diverse ways in which we branch out from it. It invites consideration of how history has grown into an inter/transdisciplinary field, where our unique approaches to the past are centred around and grow from our own understandings of the present and hope for the future.

Just as concentric circles branch out from their centre, the study of the past expands beyond our current frame of reference to build new understandings of historical subjects. This year’s focus on exploration and the doing of history connotes an active understanding and approach to research. Centering our conversation on the act of doing and exploring highlights not only what we can learn from history, but how we approach the creation and exploration of knowledge.


The Underhill is made possible each year by the generous annual contribution of the Frank H. Underhill fund.



We wish to acknowledge that this Colloquium (and Carleton itself) takes place on the traditional and unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabek/ Omàmiwininiwag.
