Short Biography

I am the Emeritus Canada Research Chair Professor in Public Policy in the School of Public Policy and Administration and the Department of Economics at Carleton University, Ottawa. I joined Carleton in 1976, became the CRC in Public Policy in 2001, and retired from full-time teaching on December 31, 2020. I held the Fulbright-Duke University Visiting Chair in 2003, and over the years I have enjoyed being a visiting professor or visiting research professor at several universities, including Carnegie-Mellon, Western, Renmin, Australian National, Montreal, Duke, U.C. Irvine, Eastern Piedmont, University of Economics Prague, Rennes I and Hitosubashi University in Tokyo. During the 1999-2001 period I taught public finance periodically to junior and mid-level officials from the Ministry of Finance in Hanoi.

Much of my research and published work combines economics and politics in the pursuit of an understanding of the structure and evolution of fiscal systems in mature democracies as well as in the world as a whole. This work includes Political Competition and the Study of Public Policy in the Cambridge University Press Elements Series, first author with Steve Ferris (2022), Coercion and Social Welfare in Public Finance, co-edited with Jorge Martinez-Vazquez, Cambridge (2014) in which I also co-author two of the eleven chapters, and Democratic Choice and Taxation: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, co-authored with Walter Hettich, also for Cambridge (1999). I also study the relationship between interregional migration and public policy. My book, Interregional Migration and Public Policy in Canada with co-author Kathleen Day, published by McGill-Queen’s University Press in 2012, received the Purvis Memorial Prize from the Canadian Economics Association in 2013.  I continue with my long standing research on the integration of political economy and public economics. Recent research, with colleagues in Canada, the U.S. and India, addresses the meaning, measurement and consequences for policy of electoral competitiveness in these countries.

I was executive vice-president of the International Institute of Public Financle, 2002-2005, and a member of the Board of the IIPF from 1993 to 2005. I have been a Research Fellow at the Center for Economic Studies (CESifo) at the University of Munich since 2000. I joined the Editorial Board of the Carleton Library Series in 1999, serving as Chair from 2010 to 2020, and continue as a member of the board. I joined the board of the Zelekovitz Center at Carleton in 2023.

I hold MA and PhD degrees in Economics from the Johns Hopkins University. For more information and selected publications, see my web page at and my Amazon author page at

Full CV:  Winer-CV-3-2-22