Michael Yeo


Michael Yeo is currently Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at University of Ottawa, and Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy at Carleton University. His main areas of interest are philosophy and its application in health care; with particular attention to applied or practical ethics (such as bio-ethics and professional ethics); social and political philosophy as it relates to public policy as well as contemporary continental philosophy (phenomenology, hermeneutics). He is the co-investigator on grant from the Medical Research Council, assessing priorities for research concerns, health information, privacy and public policy. Previously, he was the editor of ëWestminster Affairs’, the Westminster Institute’s quarterly newsletter. Recently, he was instrumental in creating the Code of Ethics for the Canadian Dental Hygienist Association; he has also written and contributed to a number of journal articles, and books, the most recent of which is Concepts and Cases in Nursing Ethics (1996).

© Centre on Values & Ethics 2013