Tessa Hebb



Dr. Hebb is the Director of the Carleton Centre for Community Innovation, Carleton University, Canada. Her research focuses on the financial and extra-financial impact of pension fund investment in Canada and internationally with particular emphasis on Responsible Investment and Corporate Engagement and is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Government of Canada. The Carleton Centre for Community Innovation is a leading knowledge producer on social finance tools and instruments.

Dr. Hebb is also a senior research associate with the Oxford University Centre for the Environment and the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City. In 2008 she completed a multi-year research project revitalization funded by Rockefeller and Ford Foundations on the role of US public sector pension funds and urban revitalization, based at the Labor and Worklife Program, Harvard Law School.

Dr. Hebb has published many articles on pension fund investing policies and is the co-editor of the volume Working Capital the Power of Labor’s Pensions. Her new book No Small Change: Pension Fund Corporate Engagement was in September 2008 from Cornell University Press.

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