This year Ottawa U will be teaching what is the equivalent of our LATN 3900/4900 as follows:
LCL 4100: Wednesday, 4:00-7:00 PM (Winter 2016) Location – TBA(Latin Authors) – Jan. 2016 (K. Schlapbach)
Ovid, Metamorphoses
In this course we will read selections from Ovid’s vast mythological peom in epic verse, the Metamorphoses. The bulk of the course is dedicated to Book 13, which contains the famous Judgement of Arms between Ajax and Odysseus. This will give us the opportunity to study in particular the use of rhetoric and the reception and transformation of traditional mythical material. We will discuss many further aspects of Ovid’s poetic technique and explore how he “transforms reality into a ‘reality of stories’”, as one critique put it (G. Rosati). The text we will use is Ovid, Metamorphoses Book XIII, ed. by N. Hopkinson (Cambridge 2000).