Enjoy an Active Academic Life in the Greek and Roman Studies Program

The Alexander Sarcophagus. Istanbul Archaeological Museum.
The Greek and Roman Studies program is the smallest program in the College of the Humanities, but one of the most active.
GRS students spend most of their time between classes working and socializing in the program’s common room. They share their work with each other in the Corvus Journal, and on the Carleton University Classics Society Facebook group, and they socialize together and go on GRS-Themed Trips.
The Program enjoys a regular Distinguished Lecture Series, and the Friends of Greek and Roman Studies publish a quasi-annual Newsletter, to keep everyone up to date on the latest news.
Greek and Roman Studies in Ottawa
Ottawa has a rich intellectual landscape for people interested in Antiquity. Many local organizations offer free guest lectures on classical subjects, which are open to the public. Organizations include local chapters of:
- The Archaeological Institute of America (AIA)
- The Canadian Institute in Greece (CIG)
- The Canadian Institute of Mediterranean Studies (CIMS)
- The Parnassos Hellenic Cultural Society
- The Canadian War Museum
- The Canadian Museum of Civilization
In addition, Carleton’s Greek and Roman Studies program cooperates with the Classics department at the University of Ottawa, which has a small museum of ancient artefacts.
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