Dr. Nduka Otiono a beloved faculty member of the Institute of African Studies has been appointed the next Director of the Institute.  The appointment takes effect on July 1, 2022 for a three-year term. This announcement was delivered by Prof. Pauline Rankin, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Carleton University.

Reacting to the appointment, Dr. Otiono has said: “I humbly embrace this appointment and call to service as the new Director of our beloved Institute of African Studies at Carleton University, Canada’s foremost Institute of African Studies.

Dr. Nduka Otiono has many publications to his name including the co-edited volume of essays, Polyvocal Bob Dylan: Music, Performance, Literature (Palgrave Macmillan 2019) and DisPlace: The Poetry of Nduka Otiono (Wilfrid Laurier University Press 2021).

Our heartfelt appreciation goes to the outgoing Director Dr. Christine Duff who has guided the Institute with patience, grace, and professionalism. Best wishes Dr. Christine Duff and Congratulations Dr. Nduka Otiono on your new appointment!