Past Event! Note: this event has already taken place.

3rd Annual Institute of African Studies Undergraduate Research Conference

October 14, 2017 at 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Location:Multimedia Lab on the 4th floor MacOdrum Library

This year’s conference seeks to encourage interdisciplinary engagement with a new generation of continental and diasporic Africans confronting questions such as: How are global and intra-continental migration patterns impacting the continent and its diasporas? How have the rise of New Nationalisms and a global politics of fear shaped the migrant experience? What does the securitization and militarization of the border mean for fabricated national boundaries on the continent? In a time of increasing consequences of climate change, terrorist regimes, and refugees flow, how do we realize a vision of mobility as a human right?

Theme: Migrations and Human Rights in Africa and the Diaspora: Vulnerability, Social
Justice, and New Nationalisms

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Okey Ndibe, author of Foreign Gods Inc., Arrows of Rain and Never Look an American in the Eye

Admission is free and guests can register here

See event details Here