Past Event! Note: this event has already taken place.

African Film Fesitval

October 14, 2016 — October 22, 2016

Location:Richcraft Hall
When:October 14, 2016 until October 22, 2016
River Building Theatre-, 43 Campus Ave.
3rd Floor (Theatre) • 2nd Floor (Box Office)
Following the tremendous success of our inaugural festival last year, Carleton University’s Film Studies Department and Institute of African Studies, and the Canadian Film Institute are pleased to invite you to the second edition of the African Film Festival of Ottawa (AFFO), held over two weekends, on October 14-15-16 and October 21-22, 2016 in the River Building Theater of the Carleton University Campus.

The festival, which opens on Friday, October 14th at 7pm with Leyla Bouzid’s breakthrough film A peine j’ouvre les yeux/ As I Open My Eyes (2015) aims to showcase the best in contemporary African cinema and offer a complex, nuanced and doubly moving image of Africa.

It seeks to engage audiences in a conversation on Africa around the moving image by presenting Africa and Africans through the cinematic voices and visions of the continent’s filmmakers themselves.

The five films selected this year celebrate both emerging voices and cinematic masters from across the five regions of the African continent represented by the following countries: Chad,Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa and Tunisia. Indeed, according to festival curator and Carleton University Film Studies Professor Aboubakar Sanogo, ” This year’s selection emphasizes fresh and innovative voices in African cinema with two first features by Leyla Bouzid (Tunisia) and Sibs Shongwe La-Mer (South Africa), a second feature by Kivu Ruhorahoza (Rwanda), a third feature by Alain Gomis (Senegal) and a rare documentary by Chadian master Mahamat-Saleh Haroun.” The films have been screened and/or have won awards at FESPACO (Pan African Film Festival of Ouagadougou), the Durban International Film Festival, the Cannes Film Festival, the Berlin Film Festival, the Toronto International Film Festival, and the Sundance Film Festival among others.

For screening times, please click here