Past Event! Note: this event has already taken place.

Book Launch for novel about Red Terror era in Ethiopia

June 18, 2015 at 7:00 PM

Location:433 Paterson Hall

The Institute of African Studies
presents a

Book Launch of:

The Smoldering Tears

by  Daniel Belay Bahta

The Smoldering Tears is about the struggle of three people (Hiwett, Gidey and Syom), as their lives were tested against all forms of despotic rule that denied them and their families the rights to live, to love and to mourn.  Although fictional, the stories are inspired by actual events during the Mengistu Hailemariam era.  And in order to foster imagination of the circumstances under which the journey of the three took place, the book attempts to provide the reader with a picture of the socio-cultural and political turmoil of the time.  It narrates stories of heartbreak and the triumph of love; it also tells stories of defiance, as well as the ultimate human endurance and tenacity.

Daniel Belay Bahta lives in Ottawa, Canada. The Smoldering Tears is his first novel. Daniel was born in Ethiopia, and grew up in a war torn region until he fled the country in 1984.  And the stories in his book are a reflection of his memories as a teenager during the Red-Terror era, in the late 1970s and early 80s.
