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Sunday, March 28, 2021
By Oriana Santana Macias “The killing of women because they are women” is a recurrent phrase that has captivated the focus of Latin American feminist activism. The region includes 5 of the 12 countries with the highest rate of femicide in the world. According to The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean... More
Jami E McElrea India is one of the fastest growing economies, yet corruption is rampant. More than 50% of Indians have bribed government officials in 2019. In 2010 transparency international ranked India 87th out of 178 countries. Corruption has a huge economic and social cost in India and has created a system... More
Introduction by Ghadah Alrasheed With the outbreak of COVID-19, life feels surreal and strange as our sheltered world has been overbalanced. The ensuing circumstances, however, have also thrown into sharp relief social inequality, inefficient governance and racial disparity as we have seen clearly who had been the most impacted by COVID-19... More
Sunday, February 21, 2021
By Keya Shirali At the time I began synthesizing my research for writing up this article about some of the media attention and government retaliation the Indian farmers’ protest movement has garnered, it was still mid-December 2020. Now in the midst of February 2021, there has been an influx of rapidly developing information and... More
Sunday, September 1, 2019
An introduction to "Migration Stories" by Laura Bisaillon What do five Canadian women with kinship ties to Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Vietnam have in common? Quite a lot, as it turns out. In this special collection, contemporary experiences with human movement and circulation across borders, both material and conceptual, are... More
In July 2017, my family and I returned to Vietnam, thirteen years after our last visit. Duong Bui, my father, took my younger brother, Allan, and I to visit his childhood home. He lived there from birth until he escaped Vietnam after the Vietnam War. Like many others, he became a refugee and made his way to Canada, in search of better... More
In this paper, I highlight the significance of language as a key feature supporting cultural and community practices. Starting with my ethnic community, Memon, and the language we speak, Kutchi, I argue that it is important for us to find ways to preserve. Currently, it is only an oral language. Without an official script, I am concerned that this... More
This paper aims to explore social belonging for Muslims and Muslim immigrants in North America using the object of a janamaz (prayer mat). I argue that in the face of rising intolerance and an inherent ‘othering’ of Muslims embedded in legal structures and social awareness, being backed by a community creates a sense of social belonging that... More
In this paper, I share how as an immigrant in Canada, I felt detached from my home country of Bangladesh in my early years due to a desire to assimilate into dominant Canadian culture. As I grew older, I actively sought a connection to cultivate my ‘Bengaliness’ by holding onto Bengali food customs and practices. I use my personal narratives... More
In this essay, I contest ideas and representations about migrants as “vulnerable” and “other” from a presumed “us”. I argue that migrants are strong figures who deal with uncertainties over which they have little control. I have composed a music composition entitled No Turning Back. This analyses features my mother’s migration to... More
Saturday, June 1, 2019
by Carly Livingstone Amazon is adding a lot of options to our grocery shopping experience, and in ways that might make us want to think before we click. In Canada, I may soon be able to order fresh, organic produce from Whole Foods Market online through Amazon and, with my Prime membership, have it... More
by Anna Hum 11 years. That’s the amount of time that we have left according to the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) before our Earth has warmed so much that our everyday lives will be plagued with dire circumstances – extreme heat waves, droughts, floods, and other climactic extremes. Labeled as... More