On the Path of the Elders: A Cree Culture & History Game on the signing of Treaty 9
On the Path of the Elders is an interactive educational game inspired by Cree culture and history that was developed in partnership with the Mushkegowuk Cree, Carleton University, and Pinegrove Productions.
The goal of the project was to provide an understanding of the historical times in which Mushkegowuk and Anishinaabe peoples signed Treaty No. 9, and how that treaty has impacted the lives of those people. Historical research and knowledge of Cree traditions from elders was key in creating and designing the interactive content and story behind the RPG adventure game knowledge quest.
This project was made possible with the support of the Department of Canadian Heritage through the Canadian Culture Online Strategy, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, the Inukshuk Fund, the National Research Council of Canada and the project partners. Copyright – BlackCherry Digital Media (2009-2010).