Expanding Carleton’s Centre for Indigenous Research, Culture, Language & Education

In response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Final Report, Carleton University’s Strategic Indigenous Initiatives Committee (CUSIIC) recently issued 41 Calls to Action to make Carleton a more welcoming space for current and future Indigenous students and faculty members. Call 31 states:

We call for the establishment of an Institute for Indigenous Research with the intent of continuing, consolidating and further promoting innovative and collaborative research pertaining to Indigenous peoples, communities and nations.

To this end, and with the support of Carleton’s Research Office, CIRCLE’s current co-directors (Drs. Kahente Horn-Miller and Anna Hoefnagels) will expand CIRCLE into a path-breaking centre for the study and dissemination of research on Indigenous cultures, languages and ethical research methodologies.

This new Institute will be a collaborative research hub, a vital connection point for Indigenous faculty and students from different departments, a source of mentorship on Indigenous methodologies, and a means to facilitate the implementation of many of CUSIIC’s important Calls to Action. In short, a place that Indigenous researchers want to come and want to stay.

If you are interested in participating in this new research centre please drop us a line.

  1. Envisioning the New Institute: Carleton Community consultations to solicit new institute members & draft the mandate, objectives and policies
  2. Building External Relationships: Seek SSHRC Partnership Development Grant funding to support 3 student/researcher exchange sites
  3. Creating Research Synergy: Create Carleton Research Directory; Define Key Research Areas; Research Additional External Funding Sources
  4. First Annual Symposium: To showcase Indigenous research methodologies and student, faculty and partner projects