Dr. Antonia Carcelén‐Estrada will be joining Carleton to teach Global Indigenous Knowledge-Adaptive Research Methods to Indigenous Communities.

Carcelén-Estrada is an activist, translator and scholar of comparative literature, cultural race studies, oral history and early-modern and medieval studies. She has worked at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, as well as the College of the Holy Cross, Universidad San Francisco de Quito and Sarah Lawrence College. She is currently on a scholarship at the University of New Mexico’s Latin American and Iberian Institute carrying out comparative research on the double Spanish-English colonization of Pueblo nations.

Her publications on intercultural translation include, Zapatista Stories for Dreaming An-Other World (2022), “Oral Literature” (2018), “Translation and Activism” (2018), “Weaving Abya-Yala” (2017), “What does Sumak Kawsay Mean?” (2016), “Rewriting Memory” (2012) and “Covert and Overt Ideologies in the Translation of the Wycliffe Bible into Huao Terero” (2010). Other decolonial research includes, “Intercultural Indigenous Translation” (2023), “Oral Histories in the Black Pacific” (2022), “Decolonizing Oral History” (2021) and “Jewish and Islamic Foundations” (2020). Her expertise in Indigenous research methodologies will provide invaluable insights and foster deep understanding among students.

Dr. Laura Forsythe will lead a course on Métis Methodologies, offering a comprehensive exploration of Métis research practices and perspectives.

Forsythe is a Red River Metis Assistant Professor at the University of Winnipeg in the Faculty of Education. Forsythe’s research focus is Métis-specific contributions to the academy, Métis inclusion efforts, Métis research methodologies and educational sovereignty. With seven co-edited collections, the Metis Awareness Mondays Series and the circle of editors of Pawaatamihk: Journal of Metis Thinkers. Forsythe has helped lift Indigenous scholars’ work for over a decade.

Forsythe is also the elected Bison Local Chairperson of the Manitoba Metis Federation, the official democratic and self-governing political representation of the Red River Metis. Her kinship ties include the Huppe, Ward, Berard, Morin, Lavallee and Cyr lines. Her ancestors worked for the Northwest and Hudson’s Bay Companies, fought in the Victory of Frog Plain and owned Lot 31, the site of a contemporary Métis space called Pakan Town.