Ridha Allaw
Co-op Student
Ridha Allaw is a second-year civil engineering student at Carleton University. He is currently working on a project titled “Pavement design to reduce the sound pollution impact on the nearby residential houses” under the supervision of Dr. Kamal Hossain. The main goal of the project is to find the best design to reduce the noise impacts of vehicles on residential houses.
Growing up, he often thinks of practices to improve the infrastructure and build modern cities. This interest continues to grow in him as he became a civil engineering student. Being a Civil engineer requires analytical thinking to find a unique solution for a specific problem. Facing such challenges always motivates him to search and seek the best solution and be creative.
His passion for learning new skills and adding environmental ideas to cities is the primary motivation for him to improve. That passion in the field builds a strong hardworking mind and eases the adaption to new ideas.