Ontario Residency Requirements

Full-Time Students

  • have always lived in Ontario or 
  • Ontario is the last province you have lived in for 12 months in a row without being a full-time post-secondary student or
  • you live in Ontario now AND have lived in Canada for less than 12 months in a row

If you are married/common-law, you can be considered an Ontario resident if:

  • your spouse has always lived in Ontario or
  • your spouse has lived in Ontario for the last 12 months in a row without being a full-time post-secondary student or
  • All of these statements are true:
    • you now reside in Ontario
    • you’ve lived in Canada for less than 12 months in a row
    • your spouse has lived in Canada for less than 12 months in a row

If you qualify as a dependent student, you’re considered an Ontario resident if:

  • Ontario is the last province in which your parent(s) have lived in for at least 12 months in a row or
  • All of these statements are true:
    • you now reside in Ontario
    • you’ve lived in Canada for less than 12 months in a row
    • your parent(s) have lived in Canada for less than 12 months in a row

Part-Time Students

  • have always lived in Ontario or 
  • Ontario is the last province you have lived in for 12 months in a row without being a full-time post-secondary student or
  • you live in Ontario now AND have lived in Canada for less than 12 months in a row