This is where we periodically post things that are related to our research, academia and conservation biology.

Time management for grad school

Grad school is usually way more fun than undergrad. But it can be a bit disorienting. Here are some tips for time management: Time management for grad school

Advice for prospective international students

Some general advice for international grad students interested in working in this – or another – lab: Advice for prospective international students

How to make a great poster

Slides from a session led by Emily, Meagan and Elizabeth on how to make a conference poster that will attract attention: howtocreateagreatacademicposter

How to write a paper that will get published and cited

Slides from the AM session (led by Lenore Fahrig) of a workshop she and I do on writing/publishing a paper. Lots of great information here! lenore-fahrig-how-to-write-a-paper

Navigating the publication process

Slides from the afternoon session (led by me) of a workshop Lenore Fahrig and I do on writing/publishing a paper: joe-bennett-navigating-the-publication-process