We are pleased to announce that European Integration online Papers (EIoP) has published a new Special Issue, edited by Heather MacRae and Elaine Weiner:

“The persistent invisibility of gender in EU policy,” European Integration online Papers (EIoP), Special Issue 1, Vol. 18 (2014).


ABSTRACT: In this special issue of the European Integration online Papers (EIoP), we reconsider the practicability of gender mainstreaming in the European Union (EU) and its traction in the European integration project more broadly. We follow the feminist institutionalist turn which seeks to bring contemporary feminist insights and new institutionalism’s various schools of thought to bear on one another. Out of this synergy comes the recognition of gender as an inherent feature of institutions and the opening up of new avenues to interrogate the dynamics of power and change. Collectively, we argue that the EU is a battleground where gender equality concerns must struggle against a masculine stronghold. We question whether there are better means to bring about gender mainstreaming’s transformative triumph.

Table of contents:

The persistent invisibility of gender in EU policy: Introduction – MacRae and Weiner

Gender mainstreaming on the ground? The case of EU development aid towards Rwanda – Debusscher

Resistance to implementing gender mainstreaming in EU research policy – Mergaert and Lombardo

Gender mainstreaming and EU climate change policy – Allwood

The paradoxical gendered consequences of the EU policy on multiple discrimination: The Nordic case – Kantola