Carleton University
Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, is the host institution for the Jean Monnet Network on EU-Canada Relations (EUCANN). The Network is a part of a larger project, the Canada-Europe Transatlantic Dialogue (CETD), which is operated through the Centre for European Studies at Carleton University. CETD was funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada from 2008-2017, and links more than 75 Canadian and 25 European experts on the EU and Canada-EU relations. The Centre for European Studies at Carleton University is an inter-disciplinary Carleton University Research Centre, with a mandate to promote research, teaching, and outreach on European affairs in the Ottawa area. The co-Directors of the Centre are Profs. Joan DeBardeleben and Achim Hurrelmann. The Centre is housed within the Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, which offers BA and MA degrees in the field.

The Carleton team constitutes the coordinating hub for activities of the Jean Monnet Network on EU-Canada Relations, contributing module co-leaders to each of the thematic groups. Each year the Carleton team will organize a major workshop that will bring together academics, students, public officials, the diplomatic community, to discuss one of the thematic areas of the project (winter 2018 on energy and climate change; 2019 on cooperation in the international sphere; 2020 on trade and economic issues). The team will also contribute to policy briefs and other publications, and as well as to workshops hosted by partner universities. Each year, Carleton University will send two graduate students to take part in activities of partner universities in Europe as part of a research internships, and in summer 2019 and 2020 we will bring together Canadian and European students for an intensive summer course on Canada-EU
relations in Ottawa.