Meet our Faculty, Professor Adam Weiss

Professor Adam Weiss received his B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Toronto. His Ph.D. research focused on understanding household interactions in different travel decisions. After completing his Ph.D., he had postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Toronto, the Technion Israel Institute of Technology, and the University of Calgary. Adam joined the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Carleton University in July of 2020. Beyond his teaching and research work, Adam currently serves as the Faculty Advisor for the Carleton Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers (CITE) student chapter which introduces Carleton students to the transportation engineering field and supplementing their classroom and laboratory experiences.
Adam’s research interests revolve around transportation engineering and, in particular, travel survey methods and travel demand modelling and forecasting. This is an exciting field that combines statistics, economics, simulation, and behavioural psychology to understand how different transportation policies will impact travel choices of urban residents. The findings of the models that Adam and his research team develop can be used for numerous applications including encouraging more sustainable travel patterns and understanding how new mobility technologies like self-driving cars or shared electric scooters will change the urban mobility landscape in Ottawa and beyond.
Outside of his research, teaching and administrative work, Adam enjoys cooking, solving crossword puzzles, playing video games and is an avid skier and hiker.