Carleton University is recognized for its advanced research in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, with expertise including structural, materials, and earthquake engineering; infrastructural protection and international security; fire safety; transportation engineering; geotechnical engineering; water resources and wastewater; air pollution; hydrogeology and waste management; and heritage and sustainable buildings.
Research Groups
Collaborative research is conducted with other universities and research centres at the national and international levels. This cooperation includes institutions such as the University of Ottawa, the National Research Council of Canada, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, Public Works Canada, the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, the University of Western Ontario, McGill University, and institutions in France (University of Grenoble), New Zealand (University of Auckland), Brazil and Egypt (Zagazig University). A number of faculty members of diverse expertise but with common research interests have organized themselves into research units. Some of these units are listed below.
Advanced Geotechnical Research Laboratory
Advanced Road & Transportation Engineering Lab (ARTEL)
Building Performance Research Centre
Carleton Immersive Media Studio (CIMS)
Carleton Water Research and Microbiology Lab
Concrete Structures Research Group
Data-driven Building Operation and Maintenance
Fire Safety Engineering
Geoengineering Research Group (GRG)
Geotechnical Engineering & Infrastructure Research Group (GEIRG)
Global Water Institute
The Human-Building Interaction Lab
Ottawa-Carleton Bridge Research Institute (OCBRI)
Ottawa-Carleton Earthquake Engineering Research Centre (OCEERC)
Transportation Research Centre
Labs and Facilities
Computing Facilities
Environmental Engineering Laboratory
Laboratory Facilities
Library Resources

At Carleton University, the MacOdrum Library houses more than a million volumes and almost a million other items that include an increasing collection of microfilms, archival material, maps, slides, and other items. The library also subscribes to a large number of national and international journals and periodicals and provides research support.

At the University of Ottawa, several specialized libraries exist, with a total collection of 1.4 million volumes and 3.4 million other documents and materials.
Additional library resources in the Ottawa region includes: