
As part of the educational experience, students have opportunities for experiential learning within community settings. These may include – but are not limited to – practicums, course-based projects, and service learning. Carleton University wants to ensure that our students have a safe and enjoyable experience while participating in unpaid placements.

Purpose of the Template 

The Centre for Community Engagement, in collaboration with the Office of Risk Management, Legal Counsel and General Counsel, have developed a template agreement to be used for all Student Placement Agreements between Carleton units and community organizations. Student Placement Agreements are developed between Carleton University and various community organizations when students are scheduled to complete an unpaid placement (online or in-person) as part of their course and/or program of study. These agreements are required by the university before a student can begin working with the community organization, as they provide the necessary coverage for all parties involved. 

Using the Template 

Before using the template, please check if a Placement Agreement already exists between Carleton University and the specific community organization. If so, review the existing agreement as it may already provide sufficient coverage for the placement to occur. If a new agreement is required, you may proceed with using the Student Placement Agreement Template. 

Student Placement Agreement Template

Should the placement organization prefer to use their own template for this agreement, please contact the Centre for Community Engagement for support throughout this process. 

The Student Placement Agreement Template has been designed for ease of use. The document may be downloaded by Carleton staff and/or faculty members and reviewed by the community organization. Should the community organization wish to make edits to the text in this template, please contact the Centre for Community Engagement to begin these discussions. 

Agreement Signatures 

If both parties agree to the terms outlined in the Carleton University template agreement, the document is to be completed and signed by Carleton University and the community organization. 

While this agreement can be used at the Faculty level, we strongly encourage the development of university-wide agreements to provide coverage for all Carleton students who may engage in future placements with the community organization. 


Should you have any questions regarding the Student Placement Agreement Template and its use, please email