PhD in peatland-fire response modeling

A 4-year funded PhD position is available at Carleton University, Department of Geography & Environmental Studies in Ottawa, Canada to advance modeling of peatland carbon cycling. This research aims to evaluate future peatland greenhouse gas uptake and emission rates under changing climate and fire disturbance regimes.  This project will focus on the development and evaluation of Environment and Climate Change Canada’s (ECCC) coupled land surface scheme and terrestrial ecosystem model (the Canadian Land Surface Scheme Including Biogeochemical Cycles, CLASSIC), which represents the physical and carbon cycle processes linking the land surface to the atmosphere in ECCC’s family of Earth System Models. The student will also have the opportunity to visit and carry out targeted research at field sites. Candidates should have strong communication and analytical skills. Experience with ecosystem modeling and computer programming (for example, Fortran, or C, C++) and experience with evaluation datasets including, but not limited to eddy covariance flux datasets, is highly desirable. The successful applicant will join a dynamic research group with the opportunity to develop strong working relationships with academic and government scientists throughout Canada and internationally.  Start date is flexible. Please contact for more information.

Postdoctoral, PhD or MSc positions

I would be happy to hear from students/postdocs with interest in our ongoing research programs. Funded positions may be available. Also, please keep in mind the deadlines for external funding opportunities through NSERC and OGS.

Please contact Elyn Humphreys by email ( for more details.