What is it?
CodeGuru is a programming competition for SCS undergraduate students. The competition tests a student’s ability to solve programming problems in Java, C or C++ in a 3 hour contest. A student may use any of the 3 languages to solve the competition problems. The student solving the most problems in the shortest time wins the competition and becomes the CodeGuru for 2016.
Why do it?
Test your programming skills against your fellow students? Did I say prizes? Yes, the CodeGuru wins a $150 gift card from BestBuy! Students who do well will be invited to be part of the 2016 SCS ACM Programming Team. Oh, and there’s that title: CodeGuru.
Does it cost anything?
No, there is no entry fee for the competition.
When is it?
The competition will be run on Saturday, 2nd April 2016. The competition will start at 10:00 am. It will last for 3 hours.
Where is it?
The competition will take place in 4175 HP.
How is it run?
Two levels of competition are being run: senior and junior. The senior competition is open to all students. The junior competition is for students of 1st or 2nd year standing. The competition is run using the same principles and technology as the regional ACM Programming Competition with the important difference that it is a competition for individuals, not teams. Specifically, students will use the PC^2 environment and solve up to 4 questions during the competition. For more information on the regional programming competition click on the link to get the gory details.
How do I get involved?
Register! You will be asked to provide: name, contest display name, whether you are a junior or senior and t-shirt size (S, M, L, LX). Alternatively, send email to Prof. White with any questions you may have.