Past Event! Note: this event has already taken place.

Research Computing Workshops

November 5, 2018 — November 14, 2018

Location:5345 Herzberg Laboratories
Audience:Carleton Community, Current Students, Faculty

The Research Computing Services (RCS) team is announcing three upcoming research computing workshops for any interested researcher (graduate student or faculty):

  • RCS Workshop I: Introduction to Linux on Monday, November 5th 2018, from 1:00-3:45pm
  • RCS Workshop II: Introduction to Remote Systems on Wednesday, November 7th 2018, from 1:00-3:45pm
  • RCS Workshop III: Introduction to Parallel Computing on Wednesday, November 14th 2018, from 9:00-11:45am

RCS is available on campus to assist with research computing by offering resources, expertise and knowledge. As part of that mandate, we are offering introductory workshops on several topics and will continue to expand our selection in the future. The sessions will be repeated as required so if you can’t attend the current sessions but are interested, send us an email and we’ll notify you next time they are offered or check the RCS workshop schedule here:

The workshops will be hands-on so laptops are required for the first two workshops.  You will also require some software in order to follow the workshop so please take a look at the “What you’ll need” section in the workshop description.  A laptop with MATLAB is recommended for the third workshop on Parallel Computing. Unless you are already comfortable with the Linux command line (navigation, file manipulation), we would recommend that you start with the RCS Workshop I before RCS Workshop II. The RCS Workshop III is independent of the first two workshops.

RSVP to with the workshop(s) you would like to attend. Seating is limited so please make sure to register ahead of time. If there are no seats left when you register, you will be given priority registration for the next time the workshop is offered. Coffee, beverages and pastries will be served (mini muffins, scones, etc.).

Please forward this invitation to anyone that might be interested and I hope to see you at the workshops!

RCS Workshop I: Introduction to Linux

When: November 5th 2018, from 1:00-3:45pm

Where: 5345 Herzberg

Who: This session is for users just starting to learn the Linux command line (little to no experience).

Prerequisites: none.

Notes and Material:


  1. Introducing the Shell
  2. Navigating Files and Directories
  3. Working With Files and Directories
  4. Pipes and Filters
  5. Loops
  6. Shell Scripts
  7. Finding Things

What you’ll need:

RCS Workshop II: Introduction to Remote Systems

When: Wednesday, November 7th 2018, from 1:00-3:45pm

Where: 5345 Herzberg

Who: This session is for users that already know the basics on their own system or lab server, but want to learn how to connect and use a server remotely (e.g. from home).

Prerequisites: Linux command line basics (navigation, file manipulation) as offered in RCS Workshop I.

Notes and Material:


  1. Interacting with a server
  2. Monitoring Resources
  3. Running jobs in background
  4. Running a Program Remotely with a GUI
  5. Using Research Storage

What you’ll need:

Title: RCS Workshop III: Introduction to Remote Systems

When: Wednesday, November 14th 2018, from 9:00-11:45am

Where: 5345 Herzberg

Who: This session is  for researchers who have a basic understanding of programming, and wish to understand and apply parallel computing to their code.

Prerequisites: None

Notes and Material:


  1. Parallel vs Sequential Computing
  2. Limitations of Parallel Speedup
  3. Types of Parallel Workers
  4. Hardware bottlenecks and overhead
  5. Writing Parallel Code
  6. MATLAB: Parallel Programming
  7. MATLAB: Case Studies
  8. MATLAB: Vectorization
  9. MATLAB: Best Practices

What you’ll need:

  • General programming knowledge for first part of the workshop
  • Knowledge of MATLAB basics for second part of the workshop