General Regulations

All Carleton Graduate Students must abide by a set of General Regulations. It’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the regulations that are set out in the Graduate Calendar.

Data Science Specialization Student Regulations

In addition to the general regulations, students that are part of the Carleton University Institute of Data Science must also abide by the following student regulations:

  1. Students completing a thesis, project, or research essay pathway within the Specialization in Data Science will require a research supervisor affiliated with the specialization. See a listing of such faculty members on our faculty webpage.
  2. Any research project/thesis must have substantial “data science content” (to be evaluated by your research supervisor).
  3. Students must register in DATA5000 in their first year to avoid losing their seat in the Specialization.
  4. DATA5000 project and any research project/thesis must contain a discussion of ethical considerations related to data science.
  5. Each DATA5000 project should be presented at Data Day or another public venue.
  6. DATA5000 projects should be completed in interdisciplinary teams.

You are encouraged to relay any feedback on the Specialization to the Chair of the Governance Committee or to their Research Supervisor.