The Writing Competition 2021 for all Carleton retirees ended on August 1, 2021.  The winners were announced on September 28 and here they are!!

First Prize:  Angela Zelmer for “The Journey”  The Journey

Second Prize was a tie:  Josh Beer for “Senile Thoughts and ‘Bear’ Facts”   Senile Thoughts and ‘Bear’ Facts  and  Steve Prashker for “Memoirs of an Exotic Place  Memoirs of An Exotic Place

Excellent Reads:  Peter Watson’s Del and John Chinneck’s YEAST

Congratulations to the winners and to all who submitted a paper!


Eligibility: The competition is open to all retirees (faculty and staff) of Carleton University and excludes individuals involved in judging and persons involved in the administration or other functions of the competition. Judging is anonymous.


  • Short story fiction/non-fiction or memoir, not previously published*
  • Should be the original work of the individual and only one entry per author


  • No more than 2,000 words (approx. 9 pages) in English
  • Typed double-spaced, using Times New Roman, 14-point font
  • The word count will be strictly enforced (2000 words or less)
  • Submission must be accompanied by a cover page with the entrant’s full name and the title of the entry
  • The author’s name should not appear anywhere on the text to facilitate fair judging, however, the title should appear at the top of each page

Deadline for Submission: August 1, 2021 (announcement date TBD)


  • Faculty Member from Department of English or Arts Faculty
  • Faculty Member other than from Arts Faculty
  • Non-Academic Staff Member


  • 1st prize:  $100 plus dinner for two at CURA dinner event plus Carleton Certificate
  • 2nd prize:  Dinner for two at CURA dinner event plus Carleton Certificate
  • 3rd prize:  Carleton Certificate

  • Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, Max. file size: 15 MB.
    This must include the name of your story and your name.

    File types allowed: .doc, .docx, .pdf
  • Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, Max. file size: 15 MB.
    This must include the name of your story but NOT your name.

    File types allowed: .doc, .docx, .pdf
  • I hereby certify that the story submitted by me (“the Work”) to the Carleton University Retirees Association's (CURA) Retirees Writing Competition was written by me, and is my own original unpublished work. I certify that the Work has not been previously published or appeared anywhere in print or on the internet, whether commercially or self-published, nor has the Work been accepted for publication elsewhere. I also certify that the Work I have submitted does not contain any material that infringes the rights of anyone else, and there is no legal impediment to its publication by CURA and Carleton University. In addition, I certify that the name I have used to submit the story is my own legal name and not a pseudonym, and the contact details I have provided are my own contact details.


*newspaper, newsletter, magazine, anthology, chapbook, book, website, electronic magazine, personal blog, instagram, twitter or facebook