1. Curriculum Cycle and Timelines for GR and UG Proposals
  2. 2025-2026 Calendar Year
  3. 2026-2027 Calendar Year
  4. NEW Program Proposals

Curriculum Cycle and Timelines for GR and UG Proposals

The Office of Academic Programs and Strategic Initiatives provides support to units in determining the type of modification being proposed, timelines and if any additional documentation or approvals are required. Units should contact the Office of Academic Programs and Strategic Initiatives at the onset of modification discussions should they have any questions. In all cases units should also be consulting their Dean’s Offices.

2025-2026 Calendar Year

New, modified or deleted UG course proposals and modified or deleted UG program proposals with no impact on recruitment and admission activity (viewbook/OUAC application) and all GR proposals (new, modified or deleted) for the 25-26 Calendar year.

Note: Deadlines are noted in italics.

May 30, 2024:

  • NEXT calendar rolled to 25-26.

June 3, 2024:

  • Courseleaf open for 25-26 curriculum proposals (program and courses)

July/August 2024:

  • Entry of curriculum proposals in Courseleaf

September 1, 2024:

  • Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Curriculum proposal entry deadline (UG/GR)

September 15, 2024:  

  • Faculty of Public and Global Affairs Curriculum proposal entry deadline (UG/GR)

October 1, 2024:    

  • Faculty of Engineering Curriculum proposal entry deadline (UG/GR)
  • Faculty of Science Curriculum proposal entry deadline (UG/GR)
  • Sprott School of Business Curriculum proposal entry deadline (UG/GR)
  • Ongoing curriculum committee approvals.

November 2024:

  • Ongoing curriculum committee approvals.
  • Initial bridging in Banner of course information to Scheduling.

December 7, 2024:

  • Faculty Board approval deadline (after this date requests will follow the Senate Late Modification Policy)

January 2025:

  • Ongoing SCCASP/SQAPC and Senate approvals

February 2025:

  • Ongoing SCCASP/SQAPC and Senate approvals

March 2025:

  • Ongoing SCCASP/SQAPC and Senate approvals
  • Calendar Editors Banner bridging of all course information to Scheduling.
  • Audit programming of approved curriculum proposals

April 2025:

  • Final Senate for approvals.
  • Calendar Editors review and creation of preview site for departments to review.
  • Audit programming of approved curriculum proposals.

Early May 2025:

  • 25-26 Calendar Published

2026-2027 Calendar Year

Modified or deleted program proposals including name changes *with an impact on recruitment and admission activity (viewbook/OUAC application; see list below) for the 26-27 Calendar year.

February 2025:

  • Faculty consultation on proposal
  • Consultation with Office of the Office of Academic Programs and Strategic Initiatives to confirm the process, timelines, and documentation required for the proposal to be considere
  • Proposal entered in Courseleaf as subsequent effective year (26-27).

March 2025:

  • Various committee and QA approvals (VPARC, PBWG, FCC, FB, SCCASP, SQAPC)

April 2025:

  • Various committee and QA approvals (VPARC, PBWG, FCC, FB, SCCASP, SQAPC)
  • Final Senate approval

May 2025:

  • Viewbook published, OUAC application updated and recruitment activies begin.

*NOTE: change in language of program delivery; establishment of an existing degree/program at another institution; offering of an existing program substantially or completely online, where it had been previously offered face-to-face, or vice-versa; the merger of two or more academic programs; change of program or program element name and/or degree designation; significant changes to admissions requirements, where it affects learning outcomes; addition of a 15-credit bachelor’s program, or 20-credit bachelor’s degree program, or a combined honours program to an already existing honours bachelor’s program; addition of concentrations and streams that have Admissions implications; program or program element closure.

NEW Program Proposals

Any unit considering a new program proposal should contact the Office of Academic Programs and Strategic Initiatives and their Dean’s Office for process information and support. Timelines and deadlines can vary depending on the type of program being proposed and required approvals. It is important to note that the introduction of a new undergraduate program proposal will require a one-year recruitment cycle.
