175 years of tradition, academic excellence and research.
Queen’s University at Kingston is a public research university in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Founded on 16 October 1841 via a royal charter issued by Queen Victoria, the university predates Canada’s founding by 26 years.

Kingston, Ontario
Queen’s Undergraduate Internship Program (QUIP)
The Queen’s Undergraduate Internship Program (QUIP) provides students with a 12-16 month work experience. QUIP internships are paid, professionally supervised, career-related positions designed to offer second or third year students the opportunity to learn about current advances, practices and technologies in business and industry.
The program is open to domestic and international students in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Arts and Science, and School of Computing.
NEW! As of September 1st, 2016, only QUIP registrants are able to view QUIP postings in MyCareer. Please see the “How to Register for QUIP” section for more information and to download a registration form.
Click here for more information about the Queen’s Undergraduate Internship Program (QUIP).
ANAT 100 | Anatomy of the Human Body |
ANAT 270 | Human Anatomy and Morphology |
ARTH 120 | Art in the West from Antiquity to Modernity |
ARTH 250 | Art, Society, and Culture |
ARTH 354 | Age of Rembrandt |
ASTR 101 | Astronomy I: The Solar System |
ASTR 102 | Astronomy II: Stars, Galaxies and the Universe |
BCHM 218 | Molecular Biology |
BCHM 270 | Biochemical Basis of Health & Disease |
BIOL 102 | Introductory Biology of Cells |
BIOL 103 | Introductory Biology of Organisms |
BIOL 110 | Human Genetics and Evolution |
BIOL 111 | Ecology and the Environment |
BIOL 319 | Introduction to Ethnobotany |
BIOL 321 | Animal Behaviour |
BIOL 330 | Cell Biology |
CHEM 113 | General Chemistry I: From Atoms to Matter |
CHEM 114 | General Chemistry II: Thermodynamic and Kinetics |
CHEM 281 | General Organic Chemistry I |
CHEM 285 | General Organic Chemistry II |
CISC 101 | Elements of Computing Science |
CISC 102 | Discrete Mathematics for Computing I |
CISC 121 | Introduction to Computing Science I |
CLST 205 | Ancient Humour |
CWRI 295 | Creative Writing I |
DEVS 100 | Canada and The "Third World" |
DEVS 220 | Introduction to Aboriginal Studies |
DEVS 221 | Topics in Aboriginal Studies |
DEVS 230 | Global Political Economy of Development |
DEVS 240 | Culture and Development |
DRAM 205 | Theatre in the Age of Film and Television |
DRAM 211 | Introduction to Theatre for Young Audiences |
ECON 111 | Introductory Microeconomics |
ECON 112 | Introductory Macroeconomics |
ECON 223 | Macroeconomic Policy |
ECON 243 | The Economics of Health Care |
ENGL 100 | Introduction to Literary Study |
ENGL 200 | History of Literature in English |
ENGL 223 | Selected Women Writers Post-1900 |
ENGL 237 | Children’s Literature |
ENGL 256 | Shakespeare |
ENGL 259 | Global Shakespeare |
ENGL 281 | Legends of King Arthur: Medieval to Modern |
FILM 140 | Design Thinking |
FILM 240 | Media and Popular Culture |
FILM 260 | Digital Media Theory and Practice |
FILM 300 | Hollywood: The Dream Factory |
FILM 335 | Culture and Technology |
FILM 340 | Advertising and Consumer Culture |
FREN 106 | Communication et culture I |
FREN 107 | Communication et culture II |
FREN 118 | Communication et culture III |
FRST 105 | Reading French |
FRST 125 | Basic Business French |
FRST 290 | Paris: Through Literature, Painting, Cinema and Photography |
GNDS 120 | Women, Gender, Difference |
GNDS 125 | Gender, Race and Popular Culture |
GNDS 215 | Introduction to Sexual and Gender Diversity |
GPHY 101 | Human Geography |
GPHY 227 | Cities: Geography, Planning and Urban Life |
HIST 124 | Canada in the World |
HIST 125 | The Evolution of Modern Europe |
HIST 200 | India and the World |
HIST 207 | Global Indigenous Histories |
HIST 214 | Food in Global History |
HIST 252 | Africa in the Modern World |
HIST 260 | Canada from the Conquest to the Present |
HIST 263 | War in the Twentieth Century: Myths and Reality |
HIST 272 | United States, Colonial Era to Present |
HIST 280 | Gender in North American History |
HLTH 101 | Social Determinants of Health |
HLTH 200 | Physical Fitness and Wellness |
HLTH 230 | Basic Human Nutrition |
LAW 201 | Introduction to Canadian Law |
LLCU 209 | Rio de Janeiro: The Marvelous City |
MATH 121 | Differential and Integral Calculus |
MATH 225 | Ordinary Differential Equations |
MICR 270 | Infection, Immunity and Inflammation |
MUSC 102 | Western Music: Napoleon to 9/11 |
MUSC 171 | Social History Popular Music |
MUSC 289 | World Musics |
MTHE 225 | Ordinary Differential Equations |
PHAR 100 | Introductory Pharmacology |
PHAR 270 | Fundamentals of Pharmacology and Therapeutics |
PHGY 210 | Physiology for Health Sciences |
PHIL 111 | Great Works of Philosophy |
PHIL 203 | Science and Society |
PHIL 240 | Philosophy of Education |
PHIL 259 | Critical Thinking |
PHYS 118 | Basic Physics |
PHYS P20 | Physicists in the Nuclear Age |
PSYC 100 | Principles of Psychology |
PSYC 205 | Introduction to Comparative Cognition |
PSYC 235 | Abnormal Psychology |
PSYC 251 | Developmental Psychology |
PSYC 271 | Brain and Behaviour I |
PSYC 333 | Human Sexuality |
PSYC 370 | Brain and Behaviour II |
PSYC 397 | History of Modern Psychology |
RELS 131 | World Religions/Religious Worlds |
SOCY 122 | Introduction to Sociology |
STAT 263 | Introduction to Statistics |
WRIT 120 | Fundamentals of Effective Writing |
WRIT 125 | Fundamentals of Academic Essay Writing |
WRIT 225 | Writing in Academic Contexts |
WRIT 240 | Writing for Social Media and the Web |
WRIT 250 | Writing in Business Contexts |
WRIT 265 | Editing in Academic and Professional Contexts |
WRIT 290 | Writing Literary Non-Fiction |