Event date: Monday 28 September 2015 16:30 to 18:30
Location: Carrefour des arts et des sciences, Pav. Lionel-Groulx, 3150 Jean-Brillant, salle C-3061
Price: Free $

Jean Quatremer is a French journalist specializing in European issues. He works for the French daily Libération, since 1984, but he is also the author of several books on the politics of the European Union and director of reports on the same theme.

This conference also marks the official launch of the Jean Monnet Chair recently granted to our colleague Laurie Beaudonnet. The project is designed as a place to learn and exchange on Europe. It will encourage the teaching and the study of the European Union at the UdeM, engage students in research on European issues and make the results available to the general public. In practical terms, the Chair offers classes and public conferences on Europe. Part of the project will also be a virtual platform, EuroScope.ca, which welcomes contributions both from students and from researchers. The activities of the project will be presented in more details by Laurie Beaudonnet at the conference.Jean Monnet Chairs are financed by the European Commission. They are assigned to professors who distinguish themselves with their research in European studies and an innovative pedagogical approach in teaching Europe.

More information here.