Upcoming Events

For real time information on EUCE-Dalhousie events, please visit their events page here.

Upcoming Events

November 26, 2014. The EU and the Arctic. Presented by Mathilde Jacquot,Doctoral Candidate, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest. 12.30 – 2.00pm,  Lord Dalhousie Room, first floor Henry Hicks Building, Dalhousie University

Past Events

September 25, 2014. Matilde Delgado (Autonomous University of Barcelona) and  Jennifer VanderBurgh (Saint Mary’s University) present: Television in Small Countries

May 16, 2014. “Canada-EU Workshops – Opening Up Canadian Federalism the European Way.” Partnering with The institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC) and Halifax Regional Group ran a one day workshop comparing how Canada and the EU coordinate health care across their political system.

April 23, 2014. EUCE Dalhousie hosted International Baccalaureate (IB) students from local high schools for a debate on an EU-related topic. This is the second year of this initiative and there has been a strong response from schools.

Dec 6, 2013: “Trouble in the Atlantic: North American-European Security Cooperation in the Post-Datagate Era.” A one day workshop organized in cooperation with Université de Montréal.

Oct 22, 2013: “Promoting the Digital Contents in the European Union.” This talk was given by Dr. Annie Blandin from Institut Mines-Télécom/Télécom Bretagne.

Oct 17, 2013: “Regulating Genetically Modified Crops: a European Perspective.”This event was presented by Dr. Michele Mastroeni from the University of Edinburgh. With support from the ShareSpeaker program of the Canadian EUCE Network, Dr. Mastroeni travelled to Ottawa later that month to speak at Carleton University and the University of Ottawa.

Sept 18, 2013: “Reflections on the Enforcement of EU Competition Law.”  Dalhousie EUCE sponsored a Visiting Scholar. Dr. Vincent Power from Ireland, who gave this lecture and taught a course on EU Law at the Law School. Dr. Power is in the process of publishing a book on EU law in partnership with the EUCE.